
Privacy statement
Dutch Design Agency b.v. with its registered office at Nieuwe Leliestraat 133, 1015 SN Amsterdam and its officers and employees collects personal information provided by users of this site (e.g. e-mail names and addresses etc) which is stored on our server situated in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We do not intend or wish to receive or store personal details of any person under 18, so if you are under 18 please ask your parent or guardian to access and use this website instead of you - sorry!

We have an obligation to contact you from time to time to ensure that the information is up to date, unless you "opt out" as set out below. Please ensure that any information you log onto this Website is accurate at all times. You may ask us to delete your information at any time. If you wish to receive further information about how we store or use your information please contact our Website Manager at We use this information for our own purposes to try to improve our service to you and at present we do not sell it or transfer it to others. You have the right to opt out of this by sending an email to but if you do then we will not be able to use your contact details.

Rules governing the use of this Website. Thank you for visiting our Website. Access to and use of this Website is governed by the rules set out below and by any applicable legislation in the country where you are and the Netherlands . By accessing this Website, you agree to abide by these rules.

Copyright notice and permitted downloading
All images, text, music and other artistic works in the Website belong to Dutch Design Agency b.v. are protected by copyright (which means that no copying or downloading is permitted except with our express consent). Consent for copying and downloading is given for the downloading of any part of our website for the purpose of discussion and learning purposes only and for all other non commercial purposes which are not intended to and will not forseeably damage the business, goodwill and reputation of Dutch Design Agency b.v  and its officers and employees.

Copying and downloading of material for any other purpose is not permitted and is unlawful. Copying the design of objects and producing images of them or objects from such designs is also not permitted and is unlawful. Dutch Design Agency y b hereby asserts and reserves (save as set out above) its copyright and design right, its moral rights and the moral rights of its staff, its community design rights and all its rights in law of whatever type and anywhere in the world to protect its Intellectual Property, Goodwill and Reputation.

Limitation of liability
Dutch Design Agency b.v. :
(a) makes no representations or warranties of any kind as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or materials contained in this Website and will not be liable therefore.
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(i) for any computer viruses bugs or problems which may affects users' computer equipment as a result of visiting the website.
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(iv) Any claims of whatsoever nature arising from the access to this Website by a user or the use by a user of the information displayed or contained herein or accessed through this Website.
Third Party Trademarks and Materials
This Website contains images artworks music copy and trademarks which belong to other people (often clients of Dutch Design Agency b.v.). These are usually displayed in this site for the purpose of showing the sort of work we do. They may be viewed but we cannot give permission for any such materials or trademarks to be copied and the user must be careful and if in doubt should contact us to request clarification and permission.
Third party enabling software
Software made available for downloading, copying or use through this Website is proprietary to the entity making such software available and must be used in accordance with the business terms relating to such software.

Trademark notice
Dutch Design Agency b.v. and the Dutch Design Agency b.v. Logo are trademarks belonging to Dutch Design Agency b.v. and are registered in various countries. The marks may not be used for any purpose except with the express permission of Dutch Design Agency b.v.

Use this site at your own risk
Every user who accesses this Website does so at his own risk.

Links with other websites
For the convenience of users of this Website links to other Internet Websites may appear from time to time. The Internet Websites to which links are provided are not under the control of Dutch Design Agency b.v. and we do not accept any responsibility for them.

Unsolicited materials
If you wish you may send us unsolicited creative materials, CVs for other material. Unless you specifically direct such material at a named employee and set out clear and reasonable intellectual property assertions, we will be free to do what we wish with such material without payment of any kind. Please note that it is unlawful to send pornographic, racist or offensive material to this Website.

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