How the right strategy
can revolutionise your

Branding  _________ Purpose  _________ Positioning  _________ Target Audience  _________ Strategy  _________ Brand Narrative  _________ Brand Story  _________ Visual Identity

Branding  _________ Purpose  _________ Positioning  _________ Target Audience  _________ Strategy  _________ Brand Narrative  _________ Brand Story  _________ Visual Identity

A strong brand identity defines what you stand for, what you look like, what you say, how you interact with others, and the goals you aim to achieve. Getting your brand identity right is therefore crucial. By utilising a unified brand narrative, you can ensure that your messaging is consistent across various platforms - whether it be via sponsored advertisements, digital media or on-site. This not only helps promote your story but also solidifies the credibility of your brand.

Generic products and services are typically acquired for rational reasons, like good value or quality. On the flip side, customers may buy branded goods with additional emotional motives in play - they want to feel great about their purchase outcome while revealing that they know what's cool. Consequently of all these factors brands can charge more than unbranded alternatives; this is why most business owners and organisations wish to create powerful brands.

The right strategy is essential

If you want to make a lasting impression, your business must have an exceptional brand strategy. This involves comprehending the needs of your customers, establishing trust in your product or service, and designing a meaningful identity for your business. With these steps implemented correctly, you will be able to set yourself apart from competitors and project an authoritative image to consumers.

1. Define your brand purpose
Clients are driven to purchase a product or service by their emotional connection and intuition. Even though there may be many options on the market, consumers prefer those that match with their perspectives, convictions, and desires; which is why Simon Sinek stated: “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Highly successful brands have an unambiguous purpose as well as identified values that resonate deeply with customers who share these same beliefs. A company's philosophy, guiding principle or mantra can all serve as ways in which they establish this desired relationship between customer and brand.

2. Establish your brand positioning
Where does your brand stand about your competitors? What makes it unique and different from them? You need to make sure you create a clear message that resonates with your target audience As you construct your brand, it is essential to comprehend what your competitors are doing and saying in the marketplace and this will remain significant over time. To stand out from them effectively, you must recognize how they are perceived by your target audience(s).
One of the simplest and most successful techniques for examining your rivals’ perceptions is to use a perception model, similar to this: Evaluating their marketing messages, reviews/comments from customers in addition to primary surveys from clients can give you an "observed view" and understanding of what type of branding initiatives each one of your competitors are pursuing.

3. Determine your target audience
Who are they? You need to know what appeals to them, so you can create an effective marketing plan that will reach them. When it comes to branding, focus and differentiation are vital. Unbranded products or services that lack a specific viewpoint will struggle in the marketplace because they fail on standout elements such as pricing and accessibility. To succeed, you must accurately identify your target audience based on the prior steps mentioned (including their mindset), allowing them to relate to the "why" behind your brand . Developing customer profiles or personas is an invaluable exercise to understand who you are targeting. Start by gathering demographic variables like age, sex, education, and profession before moving on to the more intricate psycho-social features such as hobbies and motivators that paint a vivid portrait of your ideal customers.

4. Build out your brand strategy
When you have a detailed and strategic brand platform that defines your vision, mission, differentiators from competitors, and the desired impressions in target audiences' minds--it can provide an invaluable guide for structuring your brand. Having everyone onboard who understands it is key to developing and reinforcing a powerful image. Putting these concepts into writing will ensure they are upheld consistently as part of building strong branding.

5. Develop a captivating brand Narrative/Story
Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that has ever been used to connect people with ideas and knowledge. Not only does it help us communicate, but also builds reliability between two parties as well as elicits emotion through its narrative form. Storytelling can convey more complex and abstract concepts more simply than many other forms of communication, making it easier for an audience to understand and remember what they have heard or read! People remember stories better and more quickly than other pieces of learned information, which is why successful brands excel at creating compelling narratives that give them relevance. Telling a good story helps to foster greater understanding, connection and loyalty with the brand's target audience.

6. Develop a visual identity
After you have developed your brand story, it's time to create an identity for either a new or existing brand. This involves picking out the name, logo and tone of voice that best embody the company. It is essential to make sure whoever designs your identity has access to the branding strategy document so they can gain a full understanding of what is required. A creative brief should also be created which offers further guidance on how you envision your branding process including any examples that could serve as inspiration but at the same time avoiding ideas which are not in line with desired outcomes. The first presentation should consist of three different directions presented initially in black & white format. Once you have narrowed down your overall design choice, decide on further details like colour and font.

7. Live your brand
To form a successful brand identity, hard work and diligence are essential. A brand is comparable to reputation: It takes ages to build one up but can be severely damaged in an instant. Therefore, you must continue working on your brand equity. The perception of your company by any individual consists of their average mental picture based on the latest impression they've gotten - whether good or bad - along with their most extreme experience related to it.
If you want to be successful, you need to make the brand a part of your life. This means that you must act by the brand strategy in everything you do. New employees must receive training on the brand. Partners must be able to understand and contribute positively to the brand image. Interactions with customers should always reflect the brand’s values, promise, and pillars over both the short-term as well as long-term goals. Brand building is something that takes a lifetime because if you stop, people will eventually forget all about your brand entirely.

The types of brand strategies

The most popular strategy is the 'Monolithic Branding' strategy, which is focused on creating a single unified identity for the brand in order to stand out from the competition. This strategy involves creating a logo, slogans and taglines, and visual elements that are consistent across all platforms.

The 'Differentiated Branding strategy' is focused on creating distinct identities for different products or services offered by the same company, while keeping a unified look and feel. This strategy allows companies to target specific customer groups with tailored messaging and visuals.

The 'Co-branding strategy' involves partnering with another brand to create a new product or service. This strategy allows both brands to benefit from each other's resources and reach a larger customer base.

Finally, the 'Lifestyle Branding strategy' is focused on creating an aspirational image for the company by associating it with certain lifestyles, values and emotions. Companies use this strategy to create a lifestyle that customers can relate to and want to be part of.

Having a well-defined strategy and strong concept are essential components of effective branding. By understanding the types of brand strategies available, you can determine which strategy best fits your business goals and tailor it to create an identity that resonates with your target audience. Once you have developed this strategy, make sure to live by it in all aspects of your company's operations - from customer interactions to employee training - so that its values remain consistent over time. With dedication and hard work, you will be able to build a successful brand equity for years to come!
